Rope Services Direct supply some of the most durable wire ropes available on the market
including mobile crane rope. We understand that choosing the correct type of rope for the right type of crane is no
easy task. This is why we thoroughly recommend researching your rope requirements before going ahead with any
purchase. This includes checking the exact make and model of the crane you intend to use the rope for.
Mobile crane Ropes Available

Mobile cranes are often used in place of tower cranes and other crane types due to their mobility and size. All
mobile plant equipment should be
used with caution. Despite their additional mobility, mobile cranes can still withstand a huge amount of weight
and their performance is not compromised in any way by their mobility. Mobile cranes are most commonly used in
the construction and maintenance of buildings, highways towers and pipelines.
Selecting the right rope for your requirements
Like most cranes, mobile cranes use wire
rope. However, different types of wire rope can be
used for different applications and different ropes will each have their own strength and benefits. For example,
some ropes may be fatigue resistant whilst others focus on crush resistance.
The more crush resistant a rope is the less resistant it will be to fatigue. It’s also important to note whether
the rope will be used as the main hoist, auxiliary hoist, or boom hoist. This will have a major impact on the
type of rope you will need to use. For example, a main hoist rope will require a rope with high
breaking/crushing force and good bendability. It should also be recommended for high heights of lift.
Steel Cable Health & safety
Health and safety is of vital importance when you’re dealing with potentially heavy loads. It is really important
that you fully understand the proper installation of wire rope on your mobile crane. You should always make sure
the mobile crane rope is free from twists
and that the rope is always stored safely including that the rope is spooled tightly to the drum.
Mobile cranes require the use of boom hoist ropes which help anchor the main hook suspended on a telescopic boom.
It is essential that you check boom hoist ropes regularly. Failure to do so can lead to all sorts of
implications. Due to functioning at a higher bend ratio than most other wire ropes, boom hoist ropes are more
likely to be subject to wear and tear.
You should always check the rope surface is properly clean from any lubricant to make sure you can inspect it
properly. Things to look out for include crushing damage or broken wires at cross over points, as well as wire
fatigue breaks at the equalizer sheave and in the reeving. For more information on how to inspect boom
hoist ropes please refer to the ASME B30.5 Safety Standard for Mobile Cranes for additional guidance.
Buying mobile crane rope through Rope Services Direct
Rope Services Direct supply high performance hoisting ropes ideal
for mobile or truck mounted cranes. For more information on selecting the right rope for your crane or advice on
how to properly install your wire rope, please give us a call on 01384 78004. Our full contact details are here.