The Use of Elevator Wire Ropes

The use of elevator wire ropes

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The Use of Elevator Wire Ropes

10 August, 2016
Wire ropes make a robust and reliable solution for the lifting of elevators. The manner in which it is manufactured ensures that it is reliable and not dependent on one standalone wire or strand to hold the load that it is lifting. We look below at how elevator ropes are used. 

Elevator Wire Ropes Assemblies

The beauty of the lifting equipment is that they can be assembled in a number of different ways to provide multiple solutions to manage multiple problems. One such rope assembly is a lift rope, which is used specifically for lifting elevators.  These lift ropes can come in a variety of lengths and diameters, as well as with a number of different fittings and end terminations to suit differing elevator requirements. For example, one of the most common forms of lift rope is the open conical socket rope, although there are plenty of other options available such as hoist ropes, and drum and counterweight ropes. elevator wire ropes Some of the Rope Services Direct Ltd’s sturdy rope  

A Safe Alternative

As the elevator wire ropes will be regularly lifting heavy loads, with both the weight of the elevator and the multiple passengers that it must carry, it is important that it is strong and reliable. All rope is manufactured with customer safety as the number one priority, but due to the nature of repetitive heavy lifting, all elevator rope must be regularly inspected; the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) require that this is done every six months.  The strength and grade of the lifting medium that is used will depend on a number of different factors, particularly the load requirement and the car speed of the elevator. Depending on the results, you may use a simple steel rope or a steel core rope. You may even have an elevator that uses reverse bends or has uses which are likely to cause increased wire fatigue, for which special types of wire rope can be provided to account for a shorter service life. elevator wire ropes You can commonly find rope in elevators The benefit of using ropes for elevators is that they have a long lasting life, low maintenance costs and it is easy to identify when therope is coming towards the end of its use, thereby further ensuring safety for everybody concerned.

Professional Inspections

We at Rope Services Direct Ltd can carry out regular professional inspections on all of your elevator rope; simply get in contact with us here for more information or call us on 01384 78004.    
Image credits to Lightivity Lighting Design