Privacy & Cookies Policy Statement | Rope Services Direct UK

Privacy & Cookies Policy Statement | Rope Services Direct UK

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Privacy Policy

Rope Services Direct Ltd is committed to protecting your privacy. We appreciate your interest in our products and services and aim to make any visits to our site or any aspect of our business relationship a safe, secure and enjoyable experience. This privacy policy details our commitments.

Rope Services Direct Ltd is a trading company registered in England and Wales (Our registration No. being 05748906.)

RSD Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy detailed below shows how we protect and use any information that you give us when you use our site. It is important to us that your privacy is protected. If you have any concerns then please call us on 01384 78004.

If we ask for certain information so that we can recognise you when you visit our website or trade with us then you can be rest assured that it will only be used under the guidelines of the privacy policy. (It may be that we need to update our policy on occasion. But we will ensure that this page reflects the changes.)

The privacy policy will cover what information our site collects and data we hold about you. How we control and safe guard your personal information and website security.

A ‘cookie’ introduction

–          Your agreement for cookies used on our site.

–          What the cookies are.

–          How to switch the cookies off.

Data Retention and Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 25th May 2018 requires us to inform you what data we hold and how the data is stored and handled. These regulations are very important.

For the purposes of our business relationship with you or your organisation we hold the following information.

  • Company Name / Individuals Name

  • Address and Delivery addresses

  • Contact telephone numbers / Fax numbers / Email addresses

  • Contact names

  • Bank details (where relevant)

  • Your trading history with us- Dates, prices and products.

The data we have has been collected from previous trading activity. Our ongoing business dealings which are either verbal, in writing or by email. We store this data in 2 forms, either on paper or on our computer system. The server we use is internal only and cannot be accessed via the internet. Only authorised persons can access any information and is both username and password protected. We also have standard virus protection.

All the data is only for internal use and only ever for the purposes of trading activities between us. We never share your data unless legally obliged to do so.

Further information can be found on our copy letter of authority which is detailed below this policy.

How we use any information

We need the information to help us understand any requirements you may have.It helps us make sure we supply you with any extra information that we think could be helpful. The information supplied by you may be kept by us. Hopefully the information we collect could help us improve our services, products and systems. Thus making everything to be a much more pleasurable experience in the future for you and other customers.

We might send out special offers and any other promotional emails from time to time. This would include new product launches, news and other matters which we think that you may find interesting. We will use the email address that you give us. On occasion we might use your information to contact you for market research purposes. Our contact with you may be through email or if you have given us other details i.e. phone or fax number or a home or business address then we may simply post any relevant information.

How we look after your personal information

In accordance with our privacy policy, we assure you that we will never sell, lease or in any way give out your personal information. Not to any third party unless we have your specific consent or have to do so by law. However we may use any personal data that you give to us to send out any promotional information about other parties which we think could be of interest to you. (If we have the authority to do so.)

If you have any concerns then you can request any details of personal data which we hold about you. (This is as per the Data Protection Act 1998) Although a small admin fee may be payable.

If you think any of the information we hold about you is not correct or incomplete then please contact us as soon as possible. We can then address any information is discovered to be incorrect.


The safety of your data is our priority.  To make sure any unauthorized access or disclosure of information is avoided we have the necessary internal procedures including managerial, physical and electronic safe guards in place to protect any information we gather online.


Our website might include links to any other sites which may be of interest. It is important to note that once you use any of these links to exit our site then we have completely no control over these other websites. We cannot be responsible for any security they have in place to ensure the privacy of your information or the protection thereof for any information you disclose when you visit these other sites as they may not be governed by our privacy statements. Please take extreme care and investigate the statements regarding privacy that apply to that particular website.

A brief introduction to ‘cookies’

Cookies are small data holding files. They are normally placed onto your own computers hard drive. These cookie files are made by our own website and put into your devices so that it can try to understand/influence your likes and dislikes. These analytical type cookies are designed to follow your route and findings on our website so that we may change your experience and capture any data. Basically cookies ensure we have a good website that helps and pleases you by giving us details of the pages you find most useful (or not.)

These cookies cannot give us access to your computer or system or give us any personal information that you have not chosen to disclose to us.

Virtually all new/modern web browsers automatically let cookies onto your computer. You can generally change your computer settings to deny cookies being put onto it- if you set your computer to block cookies then please be aware that you may not be able to take full advantage and make the most of any visits to our website.

The cookies set out by our website will generally:

–          Make sure the system operates as we intended it to.

–          It will note and store any choices or personal favourites made during visits or between.

–          By using the more popular and common media networks (Facebook/twitter etc) it will allow you to share pages.

–          Allow you to ‘talk’ to our site noting thoughts and ideas etc.

–          Allows you to make use of online enquiry forms.

–          Follow your visit which in turn will ensure we can improve our site including speed, security and above all making it ‘user friendly’

Cookies are not:

–          Designed to collect your personal information without your complete permission.

–          Designed to find any information of a sensitive nature (without your complete permission)

–          There to forward data for primarily advertising networks.

–          There to forward identifiable information of a personal nature to any third parties.

–          Used to pay any commission for sales.

Consenting for cookie use by our website

During your first visit to our site you may see our banner advising you about the fact that we use cookies. Our website and systems use the ‘implied consent’ basis as controlled and stated with the 2011 EU Cookie Law. We assume that you have automatically opted to allow our site to send out these cookies and you must choose to deny them access using your own computer settings or with the help of the information given below.

To find out a little more regarding the specific cookies deployed on our site; please see the advice below. We also suggest you visit the information commissioner office (ICO) website which will give you the very latest information, advice and guidelines on the applicable and current EU cookie law.

Social Network

We would very much like any users of our site to share our information/content and profiles n the extremely popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube Etc. To make this social sharing easier to use and give more freedom our site uses widgets such as those collected directly from any social networks or any amalgamative widgets from other third parties like ‘add this’ for instance. Please remember that all cookies and privacy policy/ procedures can vary and rely upon your own chosen privacy settings. Cookies are sent out only if you are signed on to these particular social networks at the time of using our website using social sharing buttons.

Statistical Tracking

Our site uses Google Analytics which lets us follow and store any visitor numerical details. These details can range from basic numbers/volume to what type of browser you are looking at our site with. Information we collect is important to us.  It allows us to study and measure details but also to help us better our website in terms of speed, user friendliness and increased security and safety.

Google Analytics is a most secure, safe and popular product for the leading Google brand. Privacy and security is a high priority for them. You can read more about this on Google Analytics Data safety guidance page.

You can also note that Google also offer a Google analytics opt out browser add on that will allow you to automatically opt out of all websites that track your use via Google Analytics. Please note that Google Analytics collect no personal information.


WordPress also uses cookies to let visitors access our site, recording and joining in on our websites content. You do not have to take part in this, cookies are not automatically sent to your device, and they are carried only if you use the forms on our site.

Our website uses enquiry forms; they are designed to allow you to contact us via email if you wish. We try to protect these forms as much as possible with anti-span procedures to make sure any visitors are actual people and not just software robots or programs.

Disabling Cookies

Most new and up to date browsers let you choose or modify your settings for the websites that you visit. You can stop any cookies by simply altering your browsers settings. But please remember that you may limit the use or operation of the systems on our website. If you would like to learn more about disabling any cookies then we would always suggest reading advice given by Google.

Spyware are a more specific type of cookie that follows more private information about you. There are several anti-spyware systems that are available to you to stop this. You should learn more about software that is available- we recommend Remember you can also remove/stop Google Analytics on any website by taking the time to download the opt out browser add on from Google.

This information within this table lists the cookies that we use on our website.

privacy policy

We hope you have found this privacy policy easy to understand.

Here is a letter of authority for you to fill in and return to us